I received it in the post yesterday and wasn't really expecting it for a while so was quite cool to open up the letter and see it! But anyway its basically just PROPERLY confirming my acceptance on the program with a letter from Disney and a load of information about earning ($7.21 an hour), learning, living, etc. Also the 't's & c's' (apparently gambling OR sleeping while on duty are not allowed...does that mean we can do one of them?!)(If anyone from Disney is reading this then I'm only joking! Don't terminate me!)
Oh also there is a page about the Disney Look guidelines! Always a good read, now I just need to grow a moustache so that I can trim it in line with the guidelines! Other than that there is a parent fact sheet (yes I will be in a 'Wellness' apartment, so no alcohol for me) and basically it's just quite exciting! Still no word on visa numbers yet though...
Annnnyyyway...I'm going to bust a groove now so have a nice day!